
10-Vehicle Car Accident per Lawyer in Greensboro

In Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney


An interstate car accident led to a pile up of 10 cars. Our Greensboro car accident lawyer was advised that a tractor trailer tried to change lanes when he hit a passenger vehicle next to him. That car hit a guardrail and then another vehicle swerved to miss it and crashed into a guardrail.

This led to a number of other car accidents per a Greensboro trucking accident lawyer. Our Greensboro personal injury lawyer is happy to report that even with all of these wrecks only one person went to the hospital. These accidents led to a number of traffic related charges for those involved including failure to reduce speed for multiple drivers who wrecked their cars.

These car accidents happened first thing in the morning but we’re happy to report that by 8:31 AM, the accident scene was cleared. We’re also happy that there weren’t more injuries because usually when there’s an interstate wreck, typically someone is going to be seriously injured as a result of it.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident, contact a top rated lawyer at our law firm. We’re Here to Help!