Can A Greensboro Criminal Defense Attorney Explain The Automobile Exception to The Warrant Requirement?

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

Can a Greensboro Criminal Defense Attorney Explain the Automobile Exception to The Warrant Requirement?


Yes, of course we can! So, generally, a warrant is needed for an officer to conduct a search of your home or car. There are, however, certain exceptions. The automobile exception to the warrant requirement is one of them. This means that if certain events happen, an officer could have justification for searching your vehicle. These exceptions can be very complicated and complex, so it’s important that you speak with a Greensboro criminal defense lawyer regarding the automobile exception to the warrant requirement.

The general rule is that if a police officer has probable cause to believe that a vehicle contains contraband, the automobile exception allows the police officer to search the car and all containers therein that may hold the object of the search. The key here is that there must be valid probable cause. That means that the car cannot merely look suspicious for the officers to have valid probable cause in believing that there is contraband in the car. For example, if the police pull you over for a valid traffic violation and they also smell marijuana, they would have probable cause to search your vehicle. This exception can get tricky, though, in some situations. For example, what if the vehicle was a mobile home? Does this fit under the automobile exception? Well, it depends. If the mobile home was attached to the land and had sewage hooked up, etc., then it’s probably going to seem more like a home, and it would not be subject to this exception. If it was situated in a way in which it is readily available to be moved, however, then it may still be subject to the automobile exception. If you are concerned with a search done on your vehicle, you should speak with a Greensboro criminal defense attorney today!

Contact a Greensboro criminal defense attorney today for more information about the automobile exception to the warrant requirement. The criminal defense attorneys at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth, and Olson know the requirements of the law and genuinely care about each case presented to them by their clients. Call today at 336-379-0539; we are here to help!