personal injury lawyer

Greensboro Attorney gives update on Retired Dentist Killing Wife and Self

In Criminal, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Sad stories seem to populate the news now-a-days and also our lawyer blog.

A popular former dentist now in his mid 80’s shot and killed his wife and then turned the gun on himself on Monday according to our personal injury lawyer.

Personal Injury Lawyer

Our criminal lawyer has been advised that his caretakers were in the house and witnessed the incident when it happened. At one point he pointed the gun at the caretakers before turning it on himself. Neighbors and former patients commented on how nice he had been. They raised a family together and people are absolutely shocked at what happened.

Wrongful Death Lawyer

The thoughts and prayers of our Greensboro attorneys goes out to the family and friends who are in mourning after this horrific incident.

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