
NC Covid-19 Greensboro Attorney Update

In Criminal, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

NC COVID-19 Greensboro Attorney

When it comes to Covid-19, our law firm is keeping an extremely close eye on the latest developments in North Carolina. We’ve been asked a lot of questions over the past so many months os we figured it would be good idea to put our answers to a lot of those questions on our website to help prospective clients.

What is the latest coronavirus update in NC?

North Carolina finds itself in an interesting predicament with the coronavirus as our numbers continue to increase. Right now, COVID-19 cases are doubling every three weeks and we have one of the fastest rising coronavirus rates in the United States.

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Governor Cooper has a tough road ahead of him as he attempts to move forward with fully reopening the state, because if he does so and the cases increase then he could face the backlash of North Carolinians for allowing the spread of the virus. If he takes precautionary steps and locks the state back down, then he runs the risk of having business owners infuriated with him, especially those that are considered non-essential, including bars owners, gym owners and restaurant owners.

What’s the Most Important Number to Keep an Eye on for NC COVID-19 cases?

A lot has been done as a result of the total number of COVID-19 NC positive cases. The dilemma seems to be that positive results are a more-so a result of increased testing than anything else. Though it is alarming that right now we’re having a fairly high number of positive tests per our total number of tests. Our Greensboro attorney feels the most important number to keep an eye on is the hospitalizations. The alarming thing in North Carolina as of this moment is that are hospitalizations rate appears to hit a new record with every passing day. Our law firm has been monitoring these numbers closely and as of today we have 846 people currently in the hospital as a result of NC COVID-19 positive tests.  Bare in mind that  exactly two weeks earlier on June 4, 2020, our total NC COVID hospitalizations was only at 659. We’ve seen almost a 200 person increase in just two weeks. The dilemma with this is that this is an exponential virus that doesn’t typically show itself right away.

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Meaning that if we stop everything we’re doing right now, we still should see an exponential increase two weeks from today. These hospitalizations are wrecking havoc throughout NC and it’s our sincere hope that people we’ll take further precautions.

What steps should we take to protect ourselves from COVID-19?

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has advised that we should practice the three W’s over the course of the coronavirus. These are:

  1. Wear a Mask or face covering when you go around others
  2. Wait at least 6 feet apart whenever in contact with anyone
  3. Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds.

If you’re not in a position to work from home, be extremely cautious. Our Greensboro attorneys have created opportunities for clients to meet via video conferencing, tele-conferencing as well as other options to make it easier for all of our clients.

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Our lawyers in Greensboro NC are willing to do whatever they can to help each and every single person who enters our office. Contact our Greensboro lawyers today!