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Greensboro Attorney gives Kidnapping Update

In Criminal, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro Attorney

It’s every parents worst fear, something happening to their child. But as time goes by it appears people are becoming more and more brazen in their attempts at certain things.

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According to a Greensboro attorney at our law firm, a woman was at a grocery store with he infant child buying groceries.

While she was in the self-checkout line, a man came up and grabbed her cart with her child still inside according to a Greensboro criminal lawyer, The mother noticed what the man was doing and stopped the man and her child from being abducted according to a family law attorney.

Local law enforcement has not been able to track down the man to charge him with 1st or second degree kidnapping charges.

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Our felony attorneys handle similar situations all of the time, contact our lawyers in Greensboro NC today for help with your criminal charges.

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