What To Do About Back Pain After a Car Accident

In Uncategorized by Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law

One common side effect of being in a vehicle wreck is back pain. This debilitating condition affects sufferers in multiple ways, including difficulty sitting and sleeping.

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Thankfully, there are steps you can take to mitigate the trouble of an injured back. Here are a few you should put into action after you’ve sought medical care.


Your body cannot recover unless you grant it a chance to heal. To do this, you may need to take time off work, especially if you have a job that involves constant standing. As you’re lying down, apply a cold or hot compress where you are experiencing the most discomfort. Which one you choose is up to you, although you should avoid heat for the first few days after an incident. Introduce hot water bottles later to reduce muscle tension and increase blood flow.

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Decrease inflammation by taking an anti-inflammatory. While over-the-counter drugs are helpful, they may not be enough. Consult a doctor if sharp pain persists. Once you’ve received a medical assessment, your physician might prescribe medicine that’s stronger than non prescription meds.

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Be vigilant about following directions, especially when it comes to not mixing alcohol with sedatives.


With the pain you’re feeling, the idea of moving around may seem unappealing. However, gentle exercise should be part of your road to recovery. As you become more mobile, start walking further distances. Soon, you’ll be circling the block and getting lots of fresh air. Movement is more important than you might think, as the muscles along your spine must stay strong. The only way to make sure they remain fit is by keeping them working.


There’s no substitute for having your back muscles rubbed by a licensed therapist. Hire one to perform targeted care from the comfort of home. If you cannot find an independent freelance masseuse, go to one of the major massage chains. Mention that you are suffering from back pain and request specialized attention. While being worked on, your therapist can provide instruction on stretches and exercises you can perform alone. Adhering to these routines will help strengthen the affected area over time. 

Back pain treatments are always administrable. Unfortunately, your discomfort may never entirely disappear, despite your attention to the issue. If someone’s reckless behavior behind the wheel caused the collision that created your pain, get in touch with a car accident lawyer. A car accident lawyer like one from Yearin Law Office can explain your rights and tell you about the best strategies for your case.  Let a legal professional file a lawsuit and make a courtroom argument in your interest.