How to Get Rid of an Arrest Warrant

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

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How to Get Rid of an Arrest Warrant in Greensboro, NC: A Complete Guide

If you’ve discovered that an arrest warrant has been issued against you, the situation can feel overwhelming and intimidating. The good news is, you have options to address the warrant before law enforcement comes knocking at your door. Whether it’s for a minor traffic violation or a more serious offense, understanding how to get rid of an arrest warrant is crucial to avoiding unnecessary consequences.

At Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law, we guide clients through resolving their warrants as smoothly as possible. Here’s everything you need to know about dealing with an arrest warrant in North Carolina, especially if you’re in Greensboro.

What Is an Arrest Warrant?

An arrest warrant is a legal document issued by a judge or magistrate that authorizes law enforcement to detain you. Warrants are typically issued when there’s probable cause that a crime has been committed, but they can also arise from missed court dates or unpaid fines.

Common types of warrants include:

  • Bench warrants: Often issued for failing to appear in court.
  • Arrest warrants: Issued when law enforcement believes a crime has been committed.

If a warrant is issued, law enforcement can legally arrest you at any time, whether you’re at home, work, or even during a routine traffic stop. That’s why resolving the warrant quickly is so important.

Steps to Get Rid of an Arrest Warrant in North Carolina

Getting rid of an arrest warrant means addressing it before you’re taken into custody. Here are the steps you can take to resolve a warrant and potentially avoid arrest.

1. Confirm the Warrant

Before doing anything, confirm that the arrest warrant exists. You can check with the clerk of court in the county where the warrant was issued or consult an attorney to verify the information. It’s important to gather the details of the warrant, including:

  • The type of warrant.
  • The charges against you.
  • Any specific court dates or instructions.

2. Consult with an Attorney

The best way to handle an arrest warrant is with the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney. At Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, we’ve helped numerous clients resolve their warrants without facing the embarrassment and complications of an unexpected arrest.

Your attorney will review the details of your case and advise you on the best strategy, whether that’s arranging a surrender, negotiating a recall of the warrant, or preparing a defense for any underlying charges.

3. Voluntary Surrender

In some cases, voluntarily turning yourself in can lead to a more favorable outcome. By cooperating with law enforcement, you can show that you are willing to address the situation. Your attorney can negotiate the terms of your surrender to ensure it’s as smooth as possible. In some cases, they can even negotiate a bond or bail ahead of time to minimize your time in custody.

4. Arrange for Bond or Bail

If you surrender to law enforcement, you may be eligible for bond or bail, which allows you to avoid spending significant time in jail while your case is resolved. A skilled attorney can argue for lower bail or even a release on recognizance (ROR), meaning you wouldn’t have to pay bail at all.

5. Clear the Warrant Through the Court

In some situations, particularly with minor offenses or missed court appearances, your attorney may be able to quash or recall the warrant without you having to surrender. This involves going before a judge and explaining why the warrant should be dismissed. This option is particularly useful for non-violent offenses and administrative errors, such as missing a court date due to a misunderstanding.

6. Attend the Required Court Hearing

If the warrant is for a missed court appearance, attending the rescheduled hearing with your attorney can resolve the issue. Be prepared to explain your absence and comply with any court directives to avoid future legal trouble.

Potential Consequences of Ignoring an Arrest Warrant

Ignoring an arrest warrant only makes the situation worse. If the warrant remains outstanding, you can be arrested at any time, and you’ll likely face harsher penalties when you’re eventually brought to court. In addition, you could be charged with failure to appear, which is a separate criminal offense in North Carolina.

Other potential consequences include:

  • Increased fines and penalties.
  • Longer jail sentences.
  • Additional charges.
  • Driver’s license suspension.
  • Negative impact on employment or background checks.

The sooner you act to resolve your warrant, the better your chances of minimizing these consequences.

Can an Attorney Get Rid of an Arrest Warrant for Me?

Yes, in many cases, an attorney can help you resolve a warrant without you having to turn yourself in. At Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, our experienced attorneys are well-versed in handling arrest warrants in Greensboro and across North Carolina. We can often work with the courts to have the warrant recalled or negotiate a favorable surrender that minimizes disruption to your life.

Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Address Your Arrest Warrant

Addressing an arrest warrant sooner rather than later can significantly impact the outcome of your case. A prompt resolution could mean the difference between a minor inconvenience and a criminal record. Whether your warrant is related to a traffic violation, missed court date, or criminal offense, taking proactive steps is always the best approach.

Contact Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law

If you have an outstanding arrest warrant in Greensboro, NC, don’t face it alone. The legal team at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law is here to guide you through the process, protect your rights, and help you resolve the issue as efficiently as possible.

Call us today for a confidential consultation, and let us help you get rid of your arrest warrant before it disrupts your life.

FAQs About Arrest Warrants in North Carolina

Can I get rid of an arrest warrant without turning myself in?

In some cases, yes. Your criminal defense attorney can work with the courts to have the warrant recalled or negotiate terms for resolving it without you having to physically surrender.

How long does an arrest warrant last in North Carolina?

An arrest warrant does not expire. It remains active until you resolve it by appearing in court, or law enforcement apprehends you.

Will I be arrested if I have an arrest warrant and get pulled over for a traffic stop?

Yes, if there’s an active warrant, law enforcement can arrest you during a routine traffic stop.

Can a lawyer quash an arrest warrant?

Yes, an attorney can sometimes have the warrant quashed, especially if it was issued for minor offenses or procedural errors like a missed court date. Sometimes our warrant lawyers can recall the warrant and get you a new court date.

By taking swift action with the help of a knowledgeable attorney, you can avoid the serious consequences that come with ignoring an arrest warrant. At Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law, we’re committed to helping our clients clear their names and move forward with peace of mind.