greensboro attorney

Accident leads to Car Theft per Greensboro Attorney

In Criminal, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro Attorney

In what was a crazy series of events all started with a multi-vehicle car accident according to a Greensboro attorney. This accident led to police being called to the scene as those involved in the car wreck were outside of their cars investigating damage.

An eyewitness to the accident stopped by to see how everyone was and watched as a woman involved in the crash jumped into the driver’s seat of someone else’s car.

Our attorney in Greensboro was advised that inside of the Suburban she stole were 5 kids…I know, what are the chances. The woman drove for a short distance and then hopped out and ran.

Fortunately, according to a top rated personal injury attorney in Greensboro no one was injured as a result of her flight.

Our criminal attorney in Greensboro was advised that she’s been charged with 5 counts of second degree kidnapping, larceny of a motor vehicle and leaving the scene of an accident. Our top rated family lawyer can only imagine the trauma of the poor parent who first is involved in a wreck only to have someone steal her car. Stay safe Greensboro!