greensboro car accident lawyer

Another Deadly Car Accident Kills 35 Year Old

In Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro Car Accident Lawyer

A single vehicle car accident claimed the life of a 35-year-old woman according to a Greensboro car accident lawyer. The accident occurred just after 5 AM yesterday morning.

The woman was driving down a side street when all of a sudden her vehicle veered off the road and crashed into a number of trees.

It is unknown as to how long it took for EMS to be aware of the situation and then to respond to the scene.

Our Greensboro personal injury lawyer believes she was pronounced dead at the scene. They are scheduling an autopsy to se what if anything could have led to this horrific car crash.

Our lawyers in Greensboro, NC are here for you. Contact our law firm today if you or someone you know is in need of help with a car accident case. We’re here to help!