greensboro lawyer

Arrest in Shooting of 4-Year-Old per Lawyer

In Criminal, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro Lawyer

Late Monday night, just before 9:30 PM shots rang out from a vehicle. Our Greensboro lawyer was advised that people were gathered at a house that ended up being shot and the bullets hit a 4-year-old boy according to a Greensboro personal injury lawyer.

Our Greensboro criminal lawyer advises that after their investigation law enforcement has been able to make two arrests in the shooting. One of the arrests was a juvenile and the other was 19 year old. The 19-year-old was charged as the get-away driver and charged with accessory after the fact.

According to our bond motion lawyer in Greensboro he was placed under a $7,500 bond.

The 4-year-old boy remains hospitalized with non-life threatening personal injuries. Our Greensboro family law attorney sends up her thoughts and prayers for those involved in this horrific shooting. Contact a Greensboro attorney at our law firm if you or someone you know has criminal charges or has been injured as a result of someone’s intentional or negligent act. We’re here to help!