Attorney Chad Garrett Flashback: Men of Law Calendar

In Home by GWAO

Many, many years ago, the friendly people of the Guilford County Courthouse, lawyers, magistrate judges, and law enforcement officials, were featured in a calendar for charity.  Attorney Chad Garrett, at the time a prosecutor, now partner at Garrett, Walker and Aycoth, rocked this pin-up pose!

And as always, we assert that former prosecutors are the most experienced, best trial attorneys, even if they don’t make the best part-time models!

Look for a posting of a the calendar cover, coming soon!

Should you need the services of former prosecutors, call the attorneys at Garrett, Walker and Aycoth, at 336-379-0539!  We return every call, every day, and can assist you in the areas of criminal law, traffic law, DWIs, personal injury, business law, employment law and family law!