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Boating While Impaired leads to Death

In Family, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Law Attorney

Drinking and driving is dangerous no matter what type of vehicle you operate. But boating while impaired can cause irreparable harm according to a DWI attorney in Greensboro. A 53 year old man was arrested after a number of incidents occurred.

Our law attorney has been advised that the man was initially in a druken stupor at a hotel, broke a computer in the business center and threw a remote at a tv inside of a bar. Our Greensboro attorney was made aware that it didn’t stop there.

He tried to strike a bartender and had to be restrained by the bartender and a manger until place arrived on scene.

Our family law attorney advises that he also received a charge in the death of another man.

Apparently, the same man had operated a boat back on September 17, 2020.

He was again alleged to be impaired when he had a boating accident killing a 27 year old man.

Our personal injury lawyer in Greensboro was advised that 27 year old man was thrown from his boat during he wreck.