Can A Greensboro Family Law Attorney Give Tips For The Courtroom?

In Family by Greensboro Attorney

Can a Greensboro family law attorney give tips for the courtroom? Yes, of course! Many people have never been in a courtroom, so it’s understandable to be a little anxious or nervous about how to compose yourself during proceedings. Your case is clearly important to you, so it’s equally important that you stay calm and keep your courtroom etiquette at all times because this will yield the best result. You should speak with a Greensboro family law attorney if you have general concerns regarding courtroom behavior.


There are a few extremely important things to keep in mind as your court date nears. First and foremost, make sure that you arrive early. A number of things can happen, such as difficulties finding the right court room or needing to run to your car to return something such as a cell phone or other items not allowed in the courtroom. Give yourself plenty of time, because being late is something the judge strongly disapproves of. Secondly, dress appropriately. For women, this often means wearing closed toe shoes and making sure that all blouses or dresses are not revealing in any way. For men, this also means wearing closed toe shoes and long pants. It’s always better to be overdressed than underdressed when you go to court! Lastly, make sure that you are quiet while anyone else is speaking. This means you should be polite and respectful of everyone else in the court room. Do not make inappropriate noises and always refrain from making facial expressions. For more tips on courtroom behavior, contact a Greensboro family law attorney today!


You should speak with a Greensboro family law attorney before your court date regarding any questions about courtroom composure! The family law attorneys at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth, and Olson know the requirements of the law and also genuinely care about each and every case presented to them. Call today at 336-379-0539; we are here to help!