Can a Greensboro Traffic Attorney Explain What Speeding Tickets Can Revoke Your License?

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Can a Greensboro traffic attorney explain what speeding tickets can revoke your license? Yes!

In the State of North Carolina, speeding tickets are dangerous because of the collateral consequences they may have on the individuals drivers license. A seemingly harmless, lesser speed ticket, in combination with another case or other factors, may in fact actually end in a revocation of the person’s license! A Greensboro traffic attorney can help you navigate those potential difficulties!

Greensboro traffic lawyers will be happy to review your case, but must also review your full driving history before giving legal advice. Keep in mind these things that may revoke your license if you are charged with a Greensboro speeding ticket: two or more speeding convictions in excess of 55 mph, but not more than 80 mph, within 12 months (N.

C.G.S. 20-16(a)(9)(i) (driving privilege available); two or more convictions, one of reckless driving and one of speeding in excess of 55 mph, but not more than 80 mph, within 12 months (N.C.G.S. 20-16(a)(9)(ii) (driving privilege available); two or more convictions, one of aggressive driving and one of speeding in excess of 55 mph, but not more than 80 mph, within 12 months (N.C.G.S. 20-16(a)(9)(ii) (driving privilege available); conviction of speeding in excess of 75 mph where the maximum speed is less than 70 mph (N.C.G.S. 20-16(a)(10); conviction of speeding in excess of 80 mph where the maximum speed is 70 mph (N.C.G.S. 20-16(a)(10a); conviction for speeding more than 15 mph above the speed limit, in excess of 55 mph (N.

C.G.S. 20-16.1(a)(i) (thirty day suspension, privilege available for “first offense”); and, conviction of speeding in excess of 80 mph (N.C.G.S. 20-16.1(a)(ii) (thirty day suspension, privilege available for “first offense”).

As you can see, even the most experienced Greensboro speeding ticket lawyer needs to remember a lot of different rules!

If you need a Greensboro speeding ticket attorney or have questions about protecting your license or insurance, call the top Greensboro traffic lawyer firm at Garrett Walker Aycoth and Olson at 336-379-0539. We return every call, every day!