Can a Greensboro Traffic Ticket Attorney Explain What Will Happen In Front of a Judge?

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Can a Greensboro traffic ticket attorney explain what will happen in front of a judge? Yes!

If you have been ordered to appear in court, then it is a good idea to consult with an attorney. First, an experienced Greensboro traffic ticket lawyer may be able to prevent you from ever having to appear in court! But if you do, there are several things to keep in mind regarding proper court etiquette.


First, it is always a good idea to dress up for court. Judges view how you present yourself as a sign of respect to them, and they will take that into account when sentencing you. You should also keep your hands out of your pockets. Never chew gum or candy, and make sure your shirt is tucked in before appearing (this is considered a safety issue in court).

When in front of a Judge, address them as “Sir,” “Mam” or “Your Honor.” Do not worry, they are all proper ways to address the court.

If the Judge asks you questions, answer firmly and politely, but look to your attorney before speaking to much.

An experienced Greensboro traffic lawyer will make sure to protect you from telling a Judge too much information. It is always best to highlight the best things rather than talking too much.

When you are in front of a Judge, your attorney will be beside you. The prosecutor, or Assistant District Attorney will also be standing there as well, but they cannot ask you questions unless it is a formal hearing.

Call the experienced Greensboro traffic attorneys at Garrett Walker Aycoth and Olson at 336-379-0539.

We are here to help, and try to return ever call, every day. If you have questions feel free to call us, we can answer your questions and help offer guidance.