Can a Greensboro Traffic Ticket Attorney Explain When a Person May Have to Attend Driving School? 

In Uncategorized by Greensboro Attorney

Can a Greensboro traffic ticket attorney explain when a person may have to attend driving school?   Absolutely.

The court system can order you to attend driving school in order o qualify or be eligible for certain benefits.

Some of the benefits include a reduction of speed or qualifying a person for a non-moving violation reduction, known as an improper equipment, that will not affect insurance rates.


Your Greensboro traffic ticket lawyer may ask you to attend a driving school in order to secure a better deal in several cases.  Often, if you had prior reductions in the recent past, a driving school certificate may allow an attorney to secure a second opportunity.

Often, the benefit of hiring a Greensboro traffic lawyer is their ability to secure great deals without you having to attend driving school.  Contact your attorney for questions and how they can assist you in avoiding this extra burden.


A Greensboro traffic attorney may also ask you to attend a driving school in order to gain favor with the Judge.  Sometimes, driving school may be the difference between acquiring a PJC or even a lower fine.

A judge can also order driving school as part of a sentence.  Usually, if a judge issues an order for you to preform a driving school class, your Greensboro speeding ticket lawyer has already had you attend the class.

Driving school may be taken on-line or in person.  There are some that require in person attendance, usually if it is to secure a dismissal or if ou have not hired a Greensboro traffic attorney.

If you have any questions, please call us at 336-379-0539.  We look forward to helping you and answering all of your traffic or criminal law related questions!