Can A Greensboro Traffic Attorney Help You With A Seat Belt Violation?

In Criminal, Traffic by Greensboro Attorney

Can a Greensboro traffic attorney help you with a seat belt violation? Yes, a Greensboro traffic attorney can!   Court costs and fines are rising quickly in North Carolina, and seat belt violations can be costly. A seat belt violation for a person who is either driving or in the front passenger seat can cost them $161. For someone in the back seat, it will cost $10 and there will be no court costs.

A defense attorney can be a good person to contact in this situation because some jurisdictions allow for dismissals, or even reserve seat belt dismissals for those represented by counsel.

If you are in one of these jurisdictions, as long as your attorney charges you a fee less than $161, you can save a substantial amount of money.

The law specifically states that each person in a vehicle that is manufactured with seat belts must have a seat belt properly fastened about their body at all times when the vehicle is in motion on a street or highway in the state of North Carolina.

There are several exceptions to this rule, though.

It will not apply to people who have a medical or physical condition that does not allow the use of the seat belt. It does not apply to those who work for the United States Postal Service in a rural area while they are engaged in delivering newspapers along a specified route, or drivers who are frequently stopping to make deliveries where the speed of the vehicle between deliveries does not exceed 20 miles per hour. The rule may also not be applied to occupants of a motor home, those in custody of a police officer, or passengers of a residential garbage or recycling truck.

For more information on who the law may or may not apply to, contact a Greensboro traffic attorney at 336-379-0539! The criminal defense attorneys at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth and Olson know the requirements of the law and also genuinely care about each and every case presented by their clients.