Can I modify my custody order?

In Family, Uncategorized by GWAO

Many clients come to our Greensboro law office wondering if it is possible to change a custody order currently in effect. In North Carolina, custody orders can be modified upon a showing of changed circumstances. What might a judge consider to be “changed circumstances”.

Case law shows that judges have recognized the following as potential grounds for a new custody arrangement:

  1. A change in the fitness of a parent
  2. Interference with non-custodial parent’s contact or visitation
  3. Birth of an illegitimate child to mother
  4. Change in parent’s physical or emotional condition
  5. Change in child’s physical or emotional condition
  6. Parent’s remarriage
  7. Parent’s unmarried cohabitation with another
  8. Change in child’s preference
  9. Parents’ lack of communication
  10. Relocation of parent
  11. Change in availability because of change in job or career

In addition, Judges may consider the amount of time that has passed since the custody order was entered and any other factor he or she finds relevant. Do some brainstorming and meet with a local family law attorney to discuss the specifics of your situation.