Car Accident due to Shaving the Ol’ Nether Region While Driving

In Personal Injury, Traffic by GWAO

So apparently shaving your bikini area while driving isn’t a good idea…who would’ve knew. A State Trooper approached the scene of an accident where one vehicle ran into the back of another, and as he approached the responsible car he noticed it was about 100 yards from where it was supposed to be. Things that make you go, hmmmm…


A man was sitting in the driver’s seat of the wreck car, but with the airbag deployed the trooper noticed that his clothing and him showed no indication of airbag deployment.

The passenger however, showed clear signs with burn marks on her shirt from the Car Accident. The trooper told both of them that he knew they had switched seats, little did he know that he was just getting started.

When asked about the Car Accident, the woman responded with the fact that she was going to see her boyfriend and was shaving her bikini area as she drove. She stated that her ex-husband (the guy in the car with her) was holding the wheel while she took care of the finer things, and the car turned in front of them, they couldn’t stop and hence…a Car Accident. The Trooper asked her why she didn’t stop…she of course responded with the fact that she was Shaving.

She was convicted of Driving While Impaired the day before and her license of course was revoked for the 6th time. The passengers in both cars received Minor Personal Injuries.

Contact our Greensboro Car Accident Attorneys today if you or someone you know is involved in a Car Accident in Greensboro, High Point or Asheboro…and remember, DON’T SHAVE AND DRIVE!