greensboro criminal lawyer

Catalytic Converter Thefts on the Rise

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro Criminal Lawyer

Catalytic converters sit under a car and are a valuable piece of personal property. Our Greensboro criminal lawyer has received word of an increase in catalytic converter thefts in the county. From Oct 2020 to Feb 2021, there have been 300 reported thefts. Our Greensboro attorney reports that the converters are valuable and difficult to trace.

Local businesses and vehicle owners are dealing with a major headache and cost trying to fix their vehicles after the thefts.

It can cost anywhere between $700 – $1400 to repair. There are precious metals in the converters which is what makes them valuable according to a top rated lawyer.

Our larceny lawyer has been advised that these thefts are happening in parking lots of apartment complexes and everywhere where vehicles are parked outside. Our Greensboro lawyer will continue to keep you updated on the situation.