The Greensboro Police Department is currently looking for a dark-colored 2000 – 2002 Chevy Cavalier. The car should still be missing a passenger mirror as well as having a broken …
Greensboro Trial Lawyers Garrett, Walker & Aycoth Open on New Years Eve
The top rated trial attorneys at Garrett, Walker and Aycoth will be open on New Years Eve. We are located at 436 Spring Garden Street, Greensboro NC 27401, or 336-379-0539. …
Three Injured in Greensboro Assault by Deadly Weapon
Saturday morning three people were injured in a shooting at Sharks Billiards in Greensboro, NC. Suspects are still sought. If you have been shot (personal injury), or charged with …
DWIs in Guilford County and New Years Eve
Be safe this New Year’s Eve! Guilford County, Greensboro and High Point cities, are patrolled by the interagency DWI task force. The will be out in full force on New …
Hit and Run in Greensboro
A pedestrian was struck in Greensboro at Spring Garden and Holden today. The felony hit and run is under investigation. The individual was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. …
Merry Christmas
While there is plenty of negative news on traditional media sites, here at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson we want to wish you a safe and peaceful Christmas Eve. For …
Greensboro and High Point Traffic Accidents
Greensboro and High Point and suffered a rash of personal injuries and traffic accidents, including, sadly, multiple deaths by vehicle, in the last few weeks. As we get closer …
One Killed, Three Personally Injured in Two Car Accident
One person was killed and three injured in a NC wreck in a Guilford County neighboring county according to the NC Highway Patrol. It was a two car wreck. …
Greensboro Man Dies in Wreck
A 41 year old Greensboro man died in a fatal car accident on Sunday. Investigators are searching for the cause of death, as they could not determine any fatal injuries …
NC Wreck Hurts Woman
A wreck on NC HWy 220 business caused personal injury to a woman from Virginia. She was flown to Baptist hospital. Neither speed (speeding ticket) nor alcohol (DWI) seem to …