A tractor-trailer flipped over and injured two people Winston-Salem, north of Greensboro. The injuries were non-life threatening. If you have been injured in a car accident, call the personal …
Civil and criminal Fraud by Banned Paver
A Forsyth County driveway paver who targeted seniors with inflated prices and shoddy work has been permanently banned from the paving business in North Carolina, including Greensboro. Boswell, the paver, …
Downtown Greensboro Debate Heats Up
Downtown Greensboro is the focus of an intense debate. Citizens are caught in fear from the violence of two nights last weekend; business owners are hoping to quell the fears …
Six Car Wreck Injured 8, and Caused the 6th Casualty
Last month. a six car accident caused the death of two individuals, just north of Greensboro in Winston-Salem. A third person has now died as a result of injuries from …
Man Killed in Motorcycle Accident After Greensboro Sheriff Chase
A man was killed driving a motorcycle Tuesday night when a Guilford County deputy saw him driving an estimated speed of 100 mph. The deputy turned to chase the motorcycle, but …
Stabbing In Downtown Greensboro Club
A man was stabbed in the next in a downtown Greensboro club Saturday night / early Sunday morning, around 2:00 a.m. The wound was to the neck, but the victim …
Garrett, Walker and Aycoth Open on Veterans Day to Serve Clients
The trial attorneys at Garrett, Walker and Aycoth will be open on Tuesday, November 11th, to better serve our clients and former military veterans. The partners will take time from …
Garrett, Walker and Aycoth Thanks Veterans
The trial attorneys at Garrett, Walker and Aycoth thank the United States citizens who provided military service to our country. Take a moment on Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11th, to …
Lawsuit Seeks Damages Against UNC-CH
Former University of North Carolina football player Michael McAdoo has filed a civil lawsuit against UNC-CH. He alleges that UNC promised but failed to provide him and other athletes a …
High Point Common Law Robbery and Internet Fraud from Facebook Costs Man His X-Box
An Xbox was stolen by two men, after soliciting the sale on Facebook in High Point. Thursday afternoon, two men stole by force, which is common law robbery, the Xbox …