Greensboro traffic lawyer Chad Garrett handles multiple DWLR charges everyday. Convictions affect more than one’s freedom and finances. A conviction will create a further period of revocation. THE IMPACT …
Greensboro DWIs and Car Accidents Show Higher Rate of Alcohol and Drug Use
Greensboro DWIs and car accidents show a higher rate of alcohol and drug use. Charges are appearing in Greensboro court rooms with a higher rate of alcohol concentration than in …
Felony Flee to Elude results from Routine Traffic Stop
The stop happened simple enough with a ford truck being pulled over for a broken taillight around 2 AM. The Deputy noticed an empty beer can in the driver’s lap …
High Point Student’s Death Now and Invesitgation
Reports have been all over local news stations concerning the tragic death of a High Point University student. The student lost his life after he was hit by a car …
Traffic Accidents Avoided After Gas Leak
Traffic accidents were avoided after a gas leak shut down lanes on West Market Street last week. The busy road closed causing traffic issues and safety concerns. At this time …
Greensboro Insurance Fraud charged due to Car Accident
Nothing quite like having a car accident and later blaming it on someone else. The NC Department of Insurance charged a woman with Insurance Fraud on Thursday. They allege that …
Greensboro Armed Robbery Causes Personal Injury to Two Workers
A Greensboro armed robbery on Saturday morning of a Pizza Hut resulted in the personal injury of two workers. Police are investigating the incident. If you have been injured, …
Greensboro Weather Warning Affects Traffic, Accidents, and Personal Injury
Greensboro weather warnings affect traffic accidents and personal injury claims as the triad was under a severe fog alert this morning. The fog could cause accidents, traffic tickets and personal …
Should I Pay My Greensboro Traffic Ticket Online?
North Carolina allows most waivable citations to be paid online using the website, By paying these tickets, the individual is, of course, pleading guilty, and accepting the consequences thereof. …
Greensboro Traffic Lawyer Updates Traffic Crimes
As of December 1. 2013, the legislature, in an effort to cut cost, reclassified many Class 1 and Class 2 misdemeanors as either Class 3 misdemeanors or infractions. Here are …