Odds are, most people will be involved in some sort of car accident at some point in their lives. Most of us use a vehicle on a daily basis and …
Personal Injury Claims: What Is the Difference Between Compensatory and Punitive Damages?
Most personal injury cases result in a settlement between the plaintiff (the injured person) and the defendant (the person who caused the injury) and other lawsuits are resolved in court. …
Who Is Financially Responsible for an On-Site Job Accident?
While most places of businesses strive for safety to protect their employees, accidents still happen and, in some cases, are due to someone else’s negligence. When this occurs, knowing where …
Car Accident Attorney updates Parade Deaths
Car Accident Attorney Thanksgiving and Christmas Parades are just part of the season. One Christmas parade was not met with the joy one would expect as a car plowed into …
What to Expect After a Car Accident in Which You Were at Fault
Being in a car accident can be traumatic even if no one was physically injured. To add to an already stressful situation, drivers may be unsure of the financial and …
Criminal Lawyer Gives Crime Update
Criminal Lawyer Our criminal lawyer in Greensboro, NC, hopes everyone had a tremendous weekend. Our city had an awful lot going on and we hope you had fun. Our first …
How to Fight a Speeding Ticket
A speeding ticket can result in an expensive fine, points on your driving record and higher auto insurance rates. However, just because a police officer pulls you over for speeding, …
Personal Injury Cases at Restaurants
The last thing you likely think about when you go to a restaurant is the possibility of getting injured. There have been many personal injury cases recorded from restaurants, though. …
Children Left with Dead Brother in Apartment
Lawyer in Greensboro The Sheriff’s Office was contacted by a 15-year-old who claimed his dead brother’s body was left in the apartment a year ago and his body was in …
Mt Tabor Shooting New Details per Attorney
Attorney in Greensboro New details have emerged in the recent Mt. Tabor school shooting. Our attorney in Greensboro was advised that his criminal lawyer filed and heard a bond motion …