greensboro attorney

Drivers are having Accidents with Animals 2020

In Criminal, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro Attorney

More and more drivers are having car accidents with animals in North Carolina than ever before according to a Greensboro attorney. Last year the number of car crashes involving deer skyrocketed.

According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, they feel that growth in the state can be attributed to the number of animals on the roads. As more and more of our woods is destroyed for building residential areas, animals have to move to different places to live.

Our attorneys in Greensboro NC have been advised that growth accounts for 90 percent of all animal related car accidents.

We saw a 2300 animal related accident increase from 2018 to 2019.

There’s no telling according to a car accident attorney in Greensboro will that number will end up this year. Our personal injury lawyer in Greensboro has advised that we’ve seen an increase in injury cases as a result of animal involved collisions and car accidents.