lawyers in Greensboro NC

Drug Trafficking Using Submarine

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

Lawyers in Greensboro NC

An investigation from DEA using international agents, was able to track down a newly built narco-sub. A narco-sub, is a submarine used to carry a large quantity of narcotics according to our criminal defense lawyers in Greensboro NC.

This narcotics submarine was filled to the brim with cocaine.

Our Greensboro criminal lawyer was told that it had 6 tons of cocaine inside of it. The sub was manufactured as an electric submarine which would make it harder for authorities to detect.

 It’s sophisticated design probably cost a lot of money and law enforcement was fortunate to get their hands on it before it hit the seas.

Our top rated lawyers in Greensboro are here for you and your family when you need us most. Contact our law firm today for help with your criminal case. Whether it’s a drug trafficking case or a firearm by felon charge, our attorneys in Greensboro are here for you!