dui lawyer in greensboro

DUI Lawyer updates Deadly Wreck

In Criminal, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

DUI Lawyer in Greensboro

A man was charged with DUI after hitting a pedestrian with his car. Our DUI lawyer in Greensboro was advised that around 10:03 PM a man attempted to cross the street near Big Tree Way. He was hit by a man driving a Nissan Versa according to a lawyer in Greensboro.

The man who was hit by the vehicle later died of his injuries according to a top rated personal injury lawyer in Greensboro. The 61-year-old man driving the Nissan Versa has received criminal charges as a result of this incident according to a top rated criminal lawyer. He’s been charged with Driving While Intoxicated and felony death by motor vehicle.

He was given a $15,000 bond.

Our top rated family law attorney sends up her thoughts and prayers for the man who lost his life and his family during the difficult time. Stay safe Greensboro!