car accident lawyers in Greensboro NC

Former Student remember after Car Accident

In Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Car Accident Lawyer in Greensboro

An entire school held a celebration of life for a kindergarten student who lost his life in a car accident. Our car accident lawyer in Greensboro NC reports that the student had passed away in the accident back on March 30, 2020. But, due to COVID closures, they have been unable to get together to memorialize him and his life.

30 people got together in memory of the young child. They planted a tree in his honor and placed an engraved stone with his name on it in his memory.

Our personal injury attorney in Greensboro has been told that we’re seeing an increase of children being involved in car accidents. Our top rated lawyers in Greensboro NC are here for you and your family when you need us most. Contact our law firm today!