Gay Weddings Create Business, Family Law Issues in NC

In Business, Employment, Family by GWAO

Gay weddings have the potential to mean big business, and North Carolina communities are ripe to attract the economic boon.

Event planners and business owners who provide services for wedding ceremonies closely watched the recent federal court rulings legalizing same-sex marriages.


Asheville NC is specially positioned to gain from the ruling.

Already a major destination for weddings, coupled with its reputation as a gay-friendly city, suggests that legalization of same-sex marriage could lead to a boom in nuptials here.  Greensboro, NC is hoping for the same economic growth.

New business opportunities as well as a new population of couples entering into legalized marriages mean new legislation and legal difficulties.  We are here to help you navigate those legal issues, and the attorneys at Garrett, Walker and Aycoth look forward to hearing from you.