GPD Charges Man with Felony Hit & Run

In Criminal, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Lawyers in Greensboro

A 41-year-old man has now been charged in the death of Angela Haith. Investigators have revealed that the man was leaving a parking lot when he ran over Ms.

Haith and then left the scene of the accident.

Our lawyers in Greensboro were advised that Ms. Haith was pronounced dead at the scene.

According to our Greensboro criminal lawyer, the man has been charged with felony hit and run with serious injuries, misdemeanor death by motor vehicle, driving while license revoked and careless and reckless driving. Interesting to note that he’s been charged with misdemeanor death by motor vehicle. Typically, if someone dies as a result of a car accident and they commit a misdemeanor level crime while doing so, the person is charged with felony death by motor vehicle.

Our Greensboro lawyer will continue to keep you updated on this case. But from our experience, if you’re charged with careless and reckless driving along with driving while license revoked, both of which are misdemeanor crimes and someone dies in the car accident you are charged with felony death by motor vehicle.

Misdemeanor death by motor vehicle is typically reserved for an infraction plus death.

Let’s say a low level speeding ticket, not wearing a seat belt or crossing the center line. An infraction plus someone dying in a car accident results in a misdemeanor death by motor vehicle charge.

Our top rated attorney in Greensboro will continue to keep you updated on the status of this case. Contact our Greensboro law firm if you or someone you know is in need of help with a criminal or personal injury case. We’re here to help!

Source WFMY.