Greensboro Attorney and Passing a Stopped School Bus Charge

In Greensboro Attorney and Passing a Stopped School Bus Charge by GWAO

Greensboro Attorney and Passing a Stopped School Bus Charge;  serious business!

Prosecutors, in most jurisdictions, refuse to negotiate, and judges are fearful of negative publicity. Certainly, this is an important public safety issue. However, in my experience, the majority of individuals charged under this statute are citizens with clean records, who are horrified at the mistake they made. For those individuals, the punishment is draconian.

Passing a stopped school bus is a Class 1 misdemeanor, with no opportunity for a PJC. Five license points are assessed, and four insurance points.


If you have been charged with passing stopped school bus, we can help.  Call the 10.0 top rated traffic attorneys at GWAO today!