Greensboro Attorney Explains Bicyclist Safety Updated in North Carolina Traffic Laws

In Greensboro Attorney Explains Bicyclist Safety Updated in North Carolina Traffic Laws by GWAO

Greensboro Attorney Explains Bicyclist Safety Updated in North Carolina Traffic Laws:

Over the last few years North Carolina has worked on improving the safety both drivers and bicyclist who share the road. This year these efforts were put into effect by the enactment of three significant traffic law amendments related to bicycling safety and sharing the road.


Effective December 1, 2016, a bicycle operated at night on a public street, public vehicular area, or public greenway must be equipped with a red rear light or the cyclist must wear a reflective vest.

The new rear light or reflective vest requirement must be in conjunction with the current front lamp and reflex mirror requirements.

N.C. Gen. Stat. § 20-129(e). To read more about this statute, click here.

If you have a traffic ticket, or a traffic violation, contact the 10.0 rated Greensboro Defense Attorneys of Garrett, Walker, Aycoth and Olson at 336-379-0539 today!