Greensboro Bus Crash Kills Six

In Personal Injury by GWAO

Six Killed in Greensboro Bus Crash

Our thoughts and prayers are with those injured and killed in the Greensbor0 Car crash today.

A Greensboro City school bus crashed into an GTA bus in Southwest Greensboro just before 7 a.

m. The driver of the school bus and five commuters on the GTA bus were killed. News reports indicate that at least 10 people were also injured.

Apparently the school bus was headed east when it collided with a sports car and a pole on the side of the road. The bus then entered oncoming traffic and slammed into the side of the GTA bus.

Many of those who were most seriously injured were taken to the University of North Carolina Trauma Center.

While we are certain that the last thing the families of those injured and killed in this crash are thinking about at this time is legal representation and compensation, the truth is that the families of those injured and killed need to seek prompt legal assistance to help protect their rights.


Contact our Greensboro Car Accident Lawyers today if you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident in Greensboro, High Point or Asheboro.