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Greensboro Car Accident Lawyer hears report of Rollover Accident Death

In Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Our Greensboro Car Accident Lawyer received a rather sad report this morning as a young service member life was sadly lost as a result of a car accident. The military was apparently conducting route clearing operations at the time of the vehicle rolling over.

The car accident incident remains under investigation by the military.

Our Greensboro lawyer sends his condolences to the family of the service member and to all of the families our service members, as we know their sacrifice is enormous. Without our military, we’re not able to get up in the morning and represent people. It’s because of them that we have the ability to be attorneys, defend our Constitution, and represent clients in court each day.

Contact our Greensboro law firm for all of your car accident needs. Our Greensboro personal injury lawyer is ready to tackle the most complex cases and we appreciate you using our law firm for all of your legal needs.