Greensboro Car Accident Lawyer Speaks About Mediation

In Personal Injury by GWAO

Greensboro Car Crash Lawyers know that injury cases can be complicated and take a long time. To potentially complete a personal injury case without the need to go through with a trial, you may be able to complete the claim through a process called mediation.

What is mediation?
Mediation is an ADR (alternative dispute resolution) process whereby an independent individual works with the plaintiff and with the defendant to try to reach a compromise.

A certified mediator will hear the contentions of each party in the Greensboro Car Accident case and work to find common ground to work toward an agreement to settle the case.

A Greensboro Car Crash Attorney can provide an outside perspective on your claim to help you identify strengths and weaknesses in your case. They will also work with the other side to do the exactly the same thing.

Because an injury case revolves around a particular dollar figure, a mediator will think about the special and general damages to try to understand whether the amount of demand makes sense.