Greensboro Car Accidents and UM/UIM Coverage

In Personal Injury by GWAO

Greensboro Car Accident Lawyers know that many people don’t understand the seriousness of uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist Coverage (UM/UIM) if you were to have a Greensboro Car Accident. This is additional insurance coverage that you can put on your auto policy that will protect you, the people in your vehicle, and family members living in your household from an at-fault motorist who is driving without insurance or without enough insurance.

Uninsured motorist protection provides coverage if you are injured by a negligent motorist who has zero automobile insurance coverage. Underinsured motorist coverage provides additional coverage to you if you were injured by a negligent driver who does not have enough insurance to pay for your damages.

In North Carolina, drivers must keep auto insurance on any vehicle operated on a public roadway.

Of course many motorists on North Carolina highways ignore this law for a number of reasons.

For those motorists who do have  insurance coverage, North Carolina law only requires that they maintain an auto policy that includes bodily injury liability coverage in the amount of a minimum of $30,000.00 per person. This means that if someone in your family is injured badly in a Greensboro car accident and the at-fault driver is uninsured or only has minimum liability policy limits, you could be left with many unpaid medical expenses, unreimbursed wages that were lost.