Greensboro Car Crash Fires can cause Personal Injury-Look Out!

In Personal Injury by GWAO

Car Crashes and Vehicle Fires: by Greensboro Personal Injury Lawyers

The compassionate Greensboro personal injury lawyers from the law firm of Garrett, Walker, Aycoth, and Olson are ready to represent your interests when you have been injured or burned in a car crash and vehicle fire in North Carolina. We offer no-obligation consultations in Greensboro to discuss your case and explore your options for pursuing compensation for your injuries.

Can you imagine how devastating it might be to have survived a car crash only to find that the vehicle has erupted in flames? The damage and potential for injury from a fire can sometimes be far worse than the initial collision. Burns from a fire can be traumatic and painful and sometimes lead to death.

Causes of vehicle fires

There are many things that can cause a vehicle’s fuel tank to erupt in flames. Here are just a few of the factors that can cause a vehicle fire:

  • Collisions with other cars or objects
  • Vehicle manufacturing defect
  • Defective or leaky fuel ling or fuel pump
  • Exploding fuel tank
  • Fuel tank located behind the rear axle
  • Electrical system problems

The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reports that nearly one out of every seven fires involves a vehicle, nearly one out of every 10.5 deaths is the result of a vehicle fire, and approximately 300 civilians are killed and 1,250 are injured in vehicle fires each year.


Check out this big one!:  xplosion

Burn injuries from vehicle fires

Severe burn injuries can be life threatening, Burns leave significant scars which can cause physical and emotional disabilities for the remainder of the victim’s life. Treatment for burns can require surgery and be quite painful. Burn injuries are classified from first degree to third degree burns depending on the nature of the injury and how far into the skin it has penetrated.

Burns can have an impact on several systems of the body. They can hamper the body’s ability to maintain a normal temperature and damage the respiratory system. Serious burns can affect the muscular system and change a person’s physical appearance.

Vehicle fire safety tips

Here are some vehicle fire safety tips from the Federal Emergency Management Agency:

  • If your vehicle is involved in a fire get yourself and all of the other passengers out if it and step away from the vehicle.
  • When you are a safe distance away, call 911 or your local fire and emergency number.
  • If you have a fire extinguisher, step a safe distance away from the vehicle while using it to distinguish the fire.
  • Do not raise the hood or open the trunk if you think there is a fire underneath. The sudden rush of air could enlarge the fire and cause serious injury.
  • Contact our Greensboro Personal Injury Lawyers today if you or someone you know has lost a loved one as a result of someone else’s negligence.