Greensboro Car Crash Causes Appeal to Court of Appeals
A trial involving a Greensboro Car Crash that was held in front of Guilford County Superior Court Judge Stuart Albright made statewide law when the North Carolina Court of Appeals affirmed his decision. The Insurance company, Integon (also known as National General) for the injured Plaintiff refused to pay out for the Plaintiff when the Plaintiff incurred injuries that were far in excess of the at-fault driver’s policy limits, which were the state minimum of $30,000.00.
Judge Albright ruled that Integon must pay out on a per-accident basis, rather than a per-person basis. This ruling resulted in an extra $240,000.00 recovery for the injured Plaintiff.
This case shows two very important things to keep in mind when dealing with a Greensboro Personal Injury. It shows why it is such an important thing to have a strong Underinsured Motorist (UIM) policy, and it shows why it is so important to never trust that the insurance company will actually pay out what they are supposed to without a fight. They are decidedly NOT “on your side”!
Contact our Greensboro Car Accident Lawyers today if you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident or suffered a personal injury in Greensboro, High Point or Asheboro.