top rated lawyer in greensboro

Greensboro Considers Safety Ordinance per lawyer

In Criminal, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Top Rated Lawyer in Greensboro

Greensboro is trying to figure out a way to curb the violence we’ve seen in and around our city. Our top rated lawyer in Greensboro has been advised that the focus is now on nightlife and bar and clubs that serve alcohol.

Bar and club owners are frustrated with the proposal because it’s not the bars and nightlife that are the problem from the perspective, it’s the violent crime in the city.

And it’s clear, according to a Greensboro attorney at our law firm, that violent crime is happening all across our city. Also, how would a bar owner know if someone who walks into their bar has violent tendencies?

A lot of local business owners feel that people have forgotten how to drink and how much they can drink during the pandemic. Most establishments have had to call law enforcement every night, which is something some bars have never had to do. Our Greensboro personal injury lawyer reports that there’s been a number of instances of people being hospitalized due to alcohol related injuries.

Our Greensboro criminal lawyer has been told that this year there have been 21 aggravated assaults at bars and nightclubs. There are yet to be any homicide. Interesting to note, most assaults are actually taking place outside of the bar and club. The interesting thing is that these business owners are now being held responsible for what happens in their parking lot. It very well may have nothing to do with people being intoxicated, but rather people having issues with other people, running into each other and then we have fireworks.