Greensboro Cracks Down on Car Accidents

In Personal Injury by GWAO

Greensboro Car Accident Lawyer Notes Accident Crackdown

The Greensboro Police have announced a successful conclusion to several safety initiative campaigns aimed at decreasing traffic collisions and enforcing traffic laws over the weekend and throughout the first week of November.

Since the start of the month, preliminary estimates indicate state troopers gave out 6,221 citations and 5,777 warnings, arrested 119 drunk drivers, issued 1,029 orders for faulty vehicle equipment, and conducted 9,218 traffic stops.


The campaign resulted in criminal arrests as well.

Troopers arrested 64 violators, along with 75 additional people with outstanding warrants.

In support of the nationwide “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” initiative conducted over the weekend, the full-time drunk driving enforcement team, S.P.I.D.R.E., was out in force from Sept. 1 to Sept. 3, patrolling Guilford County areas known for impaired driving collisions.


The team reportedly made 10 impaired driving arrests, including a repeat offender, and issued more than 75 citations.

Another initiative, “Operation SHOWBOAT,” took place along the Route 50 corridor from Greensboro to Dash City. Troopers successfully maintained public safety there and reported no traffic fatalities or serious collisions.

State police continue to support the North Carolina’s Department of Transportation’s “Toward Zero Deaths” campaign, and recent police efforts reflect highly visible attempts to minimize car accidents that involve speeding, impaired driving and other driving violations.

These safety initiative indicate a positive move in helping reduce traffic fatalities, which  One of the leading causes of these increased fatalities is negligent driving behaviors such as distracted driving and driving under the influence.

Contact our Greensboro Car Accident Lawyers today if you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident or suffered a personal injury in Greensboro, High Point or Asheboro.