Greensboro Criminal Attorneys Concerned With Number of Killings

In Greensboro Criminal Attorneys Concerned With Number of Killings by GWAO

Greensboro Criminal Attorneys concerned with number of killings ask the pubic to help.


There have been 26 homicides in Greensboro, 19 of which remain unsolved.

Our community deserves protection.

The local police department faced serious challenges in 2016, but the city council has responded by hurting moral and failing to fill the ranks of the department.  Understaffed and threatened to be fired at every turn, the police community cannot do their jobs lawfully and effectively.

Top rated Greensboro trial lawyers Garrett, Walker, Aycoth and Olson care about Greensboro, and ALL of the city’s residents.  In recent days, a robbery victim waited 45 minutes before a police officer could come clear their home to ensure their safety, because there were not enough officers to respond to her home while also dealing with multiple “shots fired” calls.  This would not have happened in 2015.

We cannot fall to lawlessness.  Please contact your local council person and remind them that their job is to empower officers  to protect, not discourage them  We hope Greensboro does not fail to recognize this weakness before it is too late.