Greensboro Criminal Lawyer works on School Bus Assault Case

In Uncategorized by Greensboro Attorney

It’s always difficult when our Greensboro Criminal Lawyer has to deal with video evidence of a client involved in some sort of criminal act. And that’s exactly what happened recently on a school bus, of all places.

A student on the bus actually captured the entire incident. We live in a world now where cell phones are pretty much everywhere, and they have assisted our lawyers with their cases and also worked against them.

In this case, where the video was posted to social media, shows the student attacking the bus driver. Law Enforcement is currently investigating what lead up to the incident.

Our Greensboro Criminal Lawyer can help with your case. We worked hard on Greensboro Assault Cases, and this assault is no different. Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson is a full-service law firm that also handles Greensboro Car Accident cases and Greenboro Family Law Cases. Contact our Greensboro Lawyer today!