Greensboro Defense Lawyers Discuss DWI Averages Per Agencies

In Greensboro Defense Lawyers Discuss DWI Averages Per Agencies by GWAO

Greensboro defense lawyers discuss DWI averages per agencies when it comes to trial scheduling.


The DWI task force has issued just under 4000 DWIs since 2012; the Sherrif and Highway Patrol hundreds per year, and GPD averages close to 800 DWI citations a year.

One of the biggest difficulties in trial scheduling is the refusal of agencies to break up their squads into different court dates.

For example, if the DWI Task Force has even half of their squad of seven on one date, then simple math means that 100s of DWIs cannot even be reviewed by defense counsel because of simple time constraints.


If you are in need of top rated Greensboro Criminal Defense Lawyer, who focuses on Greensboro DWI trials, contact Garrett, Walker, Aycoth and Olson today. We are here to help!