Greensboro DWI Attorneys Discuss DWI Defense and Bonds

In Criminal, Traffic by GWAO

DWI offenses and “secure bonds” are topics that invoke thoughts of Knoll motions. The newly modified N.C.G.S. 15A-535 states that if a person is on pre-trial release and receives new charges, a secured bond at least double the amount of the most recent previous secured or unsecured bond is required. If there was no bond required for previous charges, then the bond is to be set at 00 or higher.


So, for example, if a person is out on pre-trial release on a 0,000 bond for, say, a violent crime, and they are charged with impaired driving, a misdemeanor, although in reality, merely a traffic offense, the bond for the careless and reckless driving charge would be set at ,000,000.


Greensboro DWI Attorneys and practitioners should consider arguing such a hold under a Knoll theory. It is an interesting legal argument and a worthy intellectual challenge.


If you are seeking a DWI defense and bond motion or criminal bond reduction motion, call the 10.0 AVVO rated DWI attorneys at Garrett, Walker and Aycoth today!