Greensboro DWI Lawyer Offers Warning

In Criminal, Traffic by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro DWI lawyer offers warning – stay away from Spring Garden Street at night!

With the University of North Carolina Greensboro’s Homecoming Weekend  right around the corner, Spring Garden Street has been on the minds of the DWI lawyers at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth and Olson.  One of our two offices is located on Spring Garden Street, and the even time activity is high.  But the entire area is vigorously and constantly patrolled by the Guilford County Sheriff Department’s DWI Task Force.  Some have described it as a de facto road block.


In fact, a high percentage of the DWI Task Force’s Greensboro DWI arrests are made in the Spring Garden Street area.  It is frustrating the students, former students, and residents of the area, as even the simplest and normal of traffic infraction can lead to higher scrutiny by these officers.


If you are pulled for a DWI, know your rights.  Be polite and cooperative, but you do not have to perform any physical tests.  You do not have to blow into the road side testing device, called an alcosensor or Portable Breath Test (PBT).  If you are arrested and taken downtown, be aware that refusing that test has greater consequences, including loss of license for a year.

They also have a right at that point, to physically take your blood even thought you have refused, so unless your license is already revoked or you may already have a DWI conviction, it may be to your advantage to take that test.  Do not make any statements – even the simplest of statements can be twisted in court to show “impaired judgment.”

Most importantly, contact a Greensboro DWI lawyer or Greensboro DUI attorney immediately.  The experienced Greensboro DWI lawyer’s at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth and Olson routinely teach and publish on DWIs.  We are always happy to answer questions, and our Guilford County traffic attorneys strive to return every call, every day. Contact us today at 336-379-0539, we are here to help!