Greensboro DWI Trial Lawyers Face Delays Due To Prescription Drug Impairment Issues

In Greensboro DWI Trial Lawyers Face Delays Due To Prescription Drug Impairment Issues by GWAO

Greensboro DWI trial lawyers face delays due to prescription drug impairment issues confirms Chief Judge.


If an officer suspects impairment, but no alcohol registers on their instruments, blood must be taken, according to GPD Officer Andy Reed. Officer Reed is a DRE, or Drug Recognition Expert.

These blood tests must be sent to a lab, and proper chain of custody recorded, resulting in delays.

Prosecutors, by law, get automatic continuances when waiting on the blood.


Chad Garrett, a Greensboro top rated DWI Attorney, attended DRE training for prosecutors, and focus on those cases. He warns his clients that although many issues exists that allow trial attorneys to win these cases, judges are often putting blind faith into the testimony of DRE Officers. The most common complaint of lawyers is that although they certainly deserve our respect, but they are not doctors or medical professionals. In fact, one of law enforcement’s top tools to “determine” impairment, the HGN test, is not even used by paramedics. So how can a Judge decide beyond a reasonable doubt that the HGN test is good evidence, when even our first responders refuse to condone it?