Greensboro Family Law: Mediation

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The Positives of Mediation

Everyone hates the thought of mediation because they think if they mediate something then they are not “winning”. And it’s true, at the end of a good, and likely fair, mediation everyone goes home unhappy. Mediation may however, be one of the best tools to use in family law cases. It saves you the time and expense of going to court and gives you the chance to resolve whatever issues you may have amicably. The nice thing too is that you know what you can live with. If you are going through a mediation to settle a property dispute, you know what the property is worth and how much you can financially settle for.

Going to court always includes the risk that the judge will give you much less than what you think you can live with.

Child custody disputes are some of the very best to go through mediation. This will keep the child out of the court system, and keeps all parties looking at what is going to be in the best interest of the child.

Here again, you know what is going to be best for your child. Much more so than some judge who may or may not have children, may not have any experience in what you are going through, and who may or may not be having a bad day. This way you can generally walk away knowing that whether you like the end result or not, it was probably in the best interest of your child.