Family Law Attorney Attorney and author Chad Garrett recently returned from a business conference in Dallas, Texas. While attending the conference, Chad made contact with numerous attorneys practicing in common …
Greensboro Lawyer Blog
Moving Day for Garrett, Walker and Aycoth
We anticipate moving into our new, larger, nicer office space this Friday! Please forgive the short interruption of our normal high quality customer service as we alter Friday’s business hours …
New Office! New Practice Areas!
Greensboro Lawyer Welcome! Garrett, Walker and Aycoth is growing! We now have 4 buildings. No matter what type of Greensboro lawyer you’re looking for our law firm is here for …
New Updated Address Change Notification for Garrett, Walker & Aycoth
Our clients, whom we consider family here at Garrett, Walker and Aycoth, will soon be receiving these notifications in the mail! Check our new office, new address, and new areas …
Gay Weddings Create Business, Family Law Issues in NC
Gay weddings have the potential to mean big business, and North Carolina communities are ripe to attract the economic boon. Event planners and business owners who provide services for wedding …
Elon Law School to Host Lawyer’s Day
The Elon University School of Law will hold Ask A Lawyer Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The free event lets area residents talk to a lawyer about their …
Garrett, Walker and Aycoth are proud to announce that they are once again expanding their practice, and moving into a brand new office! The office, located just two doors down …
New Documentary By Law Firm Bryan Miller
Greensboro personal injury lawyer Friend of Garrett, Walker and Aycoth, and thousands of NC Bar Association Members across the state, Bryan Miller, has created a masterpiece of storytelling, chronicling a …
Chad Garrett Teaches Mental Health and Substance Abuse CLE
Garrett, Walker and Aycoth’s own Chad Garrett moderated the prestigious 2014 Annual Review CLE (continuing legal education) at the Grandover Resort on October 10th. The review included federal and state …
Part-Time Employee Benefits Cut at Wal-Mart
Part-Time Employees at Wal-Mart are going to lose their health benefits as of Jan. 1, 2015. This decision is right on board with several other companies including Target, and Home Depot …
Celebrity Couple Splits … Working Out Custody Amicably
Your local Greensboro family law attorneys saw a recent report indicating that celebrity couple, Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk, have decided to end their relationship after 4 years of dating …
Greensboro Family Lawyer on Sharing Custody on Holidays
Many prospective clients and newly separated parents ask our Greensboro custody lawyers about whether a court would order them to share custodial time on their favorite holidays. Generally speaking, the …
Gaining Independence on Independence Day
With our Nation’s Independence Day fast approaching, your local Greensboro Divorce Attorney thought it’d be perfect timing to speak on gaining independence from a broken marriage. Those really tough days …
Can A Greensboro Family Law Attorney Explain What A 50-B Protective Order Does?
Can a Greensboro family law attorney explain what a 50-B protective order does? Yes, of course! People often refer to this as a restraining order, but it is technically called …
Greensboro Divorce Lawyer on Split of Lottery Proceeds
The Michigan Court of Appeals recently ruled that there was no error in an arbitrator’s decision to award approximately $15 million of a lottery winner’s proceeds to his soon to …
Greensboro Divorce Attorney Explains Decrease in Divorce Rate
We’ve heard the adage that half of all marriages end in divorce. Thankfully, this conventional wisdom is becoming further and further from the truth. A recent article by the Wall …
Greensboro Family Law Attorney’s Advice on Helping Kids Cope with Divorce
Clients who consult with our Greensboro divorce attorneys often have questions about the best way to help their kids navigate the changes that come with the separation and divorce of …
Greensboro Family Law Attorney’s Advice on Recording Calls/Interactions with your Ex
Question: Is it legal to record your ex during a heated exchange/conversation? Answer: This is a question our Greensboro Family Law Attorneys get on a weekly basis. The answer is …
So, you’re finally on the other side! The emotional upheaval and day to day roller coaster is finally starting to plateau. You’ve split up your assets and personal possessions. You’ve …
Greensboro Divorce Lawyer on Celebrity Split
News sources from CNN to Fox News have recently reported that pop star Joey Fatone, famed member of the boy band NSYNC, has filed for divorce from his wife of …
3 Overdoses Leads to Charges per Criminal Lawyer
Criminal Lawyer in Greensboro Death by distribution is nothing to play around with in North Carolina. Our top rated criminal lawyer in Greensboro has been advised that people died due …
Shots Fired at Youth Football Game per Lawyer
Lawyer in Greensboro It seems with every passing week the shootings in and around our city became a little more reckless. Our lawyer in Greensboro was advised that this weekend …
Trucking Accident Kills One in Greensboro
Trucking Accident Lawyer A 30-year-old man was killed in a trucking accident this weekend according to a trucking accident lawyer in Greensboro. It was just after 1:30 AM when the …
3 People Shot in Drive-By Per Greensboro Attorney
Greensboro Attorney It all started with three people being at a house a the same time. Sounds simple and common enough, but then things all changed when a dark-colored car …
Are Women More Likely to Die in Car Accident?
Car Accident Lawyer in Greensboro It’s an age old question, are women more likely to die as a result of a car accident? Our car accident lawyer in Greensboro looked …
Hit & Run on Police Update per Criminal Lawyer
Criminal Lawyer in Greensboro A 24-year-old woman is now in custody after a woman ran into him. Our criminal lawyer in Greensboro has been advised that the officer was called …
Food Lion Employee Stabbed per Attorney
Attorney in Greensboro Monday night, a Food Lion employee was confronted by a man weilding a knife. Our top rated lawyer in Greensboro was advised that got into a physical …
4 Killed in Wrong Way Crash per Injury Lawyer
Personal Injury Lawyer in Greensboro Around 12:30 AM, NC State Highway Patrol was called to the scene of a car accident involving a vehicle driving in the wrong direction. Our …
Woman Hit & Killed on Interstate per Attorney
Attorney in Greensboro A woman was riding as a passenger in a vehicle when her and the driver got into an argument. Our attorney in Greensboro was advised that they …
Drive-In Crashed Into per Car Accident Lawyer
Car Accident Lawyer in Greensboro A local drive-in had a tragedy take place as a car actually drove into it according to a car accident lawyer in Greensboro. It all started …
Can A Greensboro Traffic Ticket Lawyer Explain If I Can Get my Speeding Ticket Dismissed?
Can A Greensboro traffic ticket lawyer explain if I can get my speeding ticket dismissed? Possibly! When most people get a speeding ticket, their biggest concerns are often how much …
Can Randolph Criminal Defense Lawyers Help With Emergency Vehicle Traffic Violations?
Can Randolph criminal defense lawyers help with emergency vehicle traffic violations? Yes! There are multiple ways that someone may receive a traffic violation when an emergency vehicle is involved. One …
Can A Randolph Criminal Defense Attorney Help With Waivable Traffic Offenses?
Can a Randolph criminal defense attorney help with waivable traffic offenses? Yes! When you receive a traffic ticket, what is the first thing you think about? Most people would say …
Can A Randolph Criminal Defense Attorney Help You With A School Bus Traffic Violation?
Can a Randolph criminal defense attorney help you with a school bus traffic violation? Possibly! It’s easy to not realize that a school bus is stopped in front of you …
Can Greensboro DWI Attorneys Explain When A Chemical Analysis Is Necessary For A Drug Charge?
Can Greensboro DWI attorneys explain when a chemical analysis is necessary for a drug charge? Yes! The court has written multiple opinions about whether a chemical analysis is needed when …
Can Greensboro Criminal Defense Lawyers Help with Emergency Vehicle Traffic Violations?
Can Greensboro criminal defense lawyers help with emergency vehicle traffic violations? Yes! There are multiple ways that someone may receive a traffic violation when an emergency vehicle is involved. One …
Can A Greensboro Criminal Defense Attorney Help with Waivable Traffic Offenses?
Can a Greensboro criminal defense attorney help with waivable traffic offenses? Yes! When you receive a traffic ticket, what is the first thing you think about? Most people would say …
Can A Greensboro Criminal Defense Attorney Help You With A School Bus Traffic Violation?
Can a Greensboro criminal defense attorney help you with a school bus traffic violation? Possibly! It’s easy to not realize that a school bus is stopped in front of you …
Why Should You Hire a Greensboro Criminal Defense Attorney?
Why should you hire a Greensboro criminal defense attorney? To save money! You may wonder what good it will do to hire an attorney in some cases. Wouldn’t it be …
Can A Greensboro Criminal Defense Lawyer Tell Me If Driving School Will Get Me Out of a Traffic Ticket?
Can A Greensboro Criminal Defense Lawyer Tell Me If Driving School Will Get Me Out of a Traffic Ticket? Yes, of course! Each traffic ticket is different, and each defendant …