Greensboro personal injury lawyer Thomas Built Buses is asking for incentives as it plans an expansion which would create 236 jobs and involve an investment of $10.5 Million on the …
Greensboro Lawyer Blog
Hewlett-Packard Splitting Effects Employees
Hewlett-Packard is going to separate its Computer Business from its Printer Business as part of a restructuring program to boost the company. The dilemma is that HP has had to …
Diversity Fellowship Program violates Employment Discrimination Laws
Columbia University’s BuzzFeed created a Diversity Fellowship Program in order to bring Investigative Journalists of various backgrounds to work for the Publication. The dilemma is that as a fellowship, this …
Amazon Employees want to be Paid for Time Spent Waiting in Security Line
Amazon has created an intricate security system to cut down on Employee theft. Employees are required to walk through Security Checkpoints after their shifts. These Security Lines can take almost …
Oakland Cheerleaders Lawsuit Against Raiders Brings $1.25 Million
The cheerleaders for the Oakland Raiders, the Raiderettes, filled a lawsuit in January against their Employer because the team failed to pay them for all of the time they worked, …
Goodwill to Host Job Fair for Employees
Goodwill is hosting a job fair today from 10 AM – 2 PM. Employers such as Cone Health, FedEx, Timco, Fastenal, Harland Clarke, Epes Transportation, & Metals USA will be …
False Time Sheets leads to UNCG Firing Employees & Felonies
Three UNCG employees in the University Relations Department have lost their jobs and now face up to 8 months in prison if convicted of Obtaining Property by False Pretenses. Two …
Employer bringing 100 Jobs to North Carolina
North Carolina is about to have a new Auto Parts Manufacturer. Due to incentives, a Employer is expanding in North Carolina due to the incentives package they were offered. The …
“Frozen,” a billion dollar Disney animated blockbuster, is the subject of a lawsuit against Walt Disney Company claiming that the hit film stole directly from her real life story. Isabella …
Attorney Discrimation – Move It or Lose It!
Greensboro lawyer When it comes to making a discrimination or harassment claim against your employer two of the most important questions are how and when to start. Unfortunately, many employees …
Summer Vacation and Child Custody Tips From a Greensboro Family Law Attorney
Summer is officially here! The kids have had their last day of school and now you’re looking ahead at weeks of chaos and irregular schedules. Even if your summer vacations …
Are Greensboro Family Law Attorneys Subject to Client Confidentiality?
Are Greensboro family law attorneys subject to client confidentiality? Yes, we are! Most of the time when people must hire a family law attorney, it’s for a very important reason. …
Dating Advice from a Greensboro Divorce Lawyer
Huffington Post recently published an article entitled “9 Questions to Ask on a First Date, According to Divorce Lawyers.” As the article, which can be found here, mentions, divorce lawyers …
Greensboro Divorce Lawyer on Division of Debt in Equitable Distribution
Our Greensboro divorce lawyers guide clients through the process of dividing marital property after a separation on a regular basis. This process is called equitable distribution. In equitable distribution, the …
Greensboro Divorce Lawyer on Interpretation of Child Support Guidelines
Greensboro divorce lawyers are noting a recent Court of Appeals opinion on crediting health insurance premiums when calculating child support under the North Carolina Child Support Guidelines. In Orange County …
Picture this scenario. You’ve just filed a lawsuit against your ex, the father of your children, seeking a custodial schedule for your 3 children. That same weekend you go out …
Child Custody Modification Requires Substantial Change of Circumstances…Our Greensboro Family Lawyers Can Help
A parent wishing to modify a prior custody order in North Carolina must prove that a substantial change of circumstances has occurred since the prior order was entered and that …
Can Greensboro Family Law Attorneys Explain Why I Should Get A Prenup Before Marriage?
Can Greensboro family law attorneys explain why I should get a prenup before marriage? Of course! A prenuptial agreement is a daunting thing to think about right before you get …
Greensboro Family Law Attorneys Can Explain The Impact A Divorce Can Have On Parent-Child Relationships.
Can Greensboro family law attorneys explain what impact a divorce can have on parent-child relationships? Yes! Most people are aware that a divorce affects more people that just the two …
Can Randolph Family Law Attorneys Explain What Alimony Is?
Can Randolph family law attorneys explain what alimony is? Of course! The divorce process can be very stressful and draining on everyone involved. Oftentimes, one of the partners involved in …
Apartment Fire Displaces 6 People per Attorney
Greensboro Attorney An apartment building caught fire in Burlington and 6 people are now in search of a place to live according to a Greensboro attorney. The fire started around …
Standoff Continues according to Top Rated Lawyer
Top Rated Lawyer in Greensboro It all started with a domestic disturbance yesterday around 9 PM. Law enforcement was called to the scene and our top rated lawyer in Greensboro …
Weaver Academy Hit by Car per Top Rated Lawyer
Top Rated Lawyer in Greensboro Weaver Academy is one of the best schools in the state, if not the country. A top rated lawyer in Greensboro saw this morning that …
Shooting Victim Walks to Store per Attorney
Greensboro Attorney A drive-by shooting at 4 AM led to a person being shot. Our Greensboro attorney was advised that law enforcement was called to the scene and found the …
Business Plaza Murder Update by Top Rated Lawyer
Top Rated Lawyer in Greensboro Around 11:45 PM, police were called to a business plaza which is near a barbershop and a convenience store. Our top rated lawyer in Greensboro …
2 Accidents Hit Power Poles per Accident Lawyer
Car Accident Lawyer in Greensboro It was a bad day for power and a good day for power pole repair people as two car accidents hit power poles yesterday. Our …
Accident leads to Car Theft per Greensboro Attorney
Greensboro Attorney In what was a crazy series of events all started with a multi-vehicle car accident according to a Greensboro attorney. This accident led to police being called to …
Interstate Shooting Update by Injury Lawyer
Personal Injury Lawyer in Greensboro A North Carolina man is facing several criminal charges after a person in one vehicle opened fire on another on the the interstate. Our personal …
Man Killed Crossing Battleground per Attorney
Greensboro Attorney Crossing Battleground Ave. is a risky move to put it as plainly as possible. Our Greensboro attorney was advised that the man was not in a crosswalk when …
Deadly Wreck Claims 1 per Greensboro Attorney
Greensboro Attorney Just after 8 PM, police responded to Country Club Rd. Our Greensboro attorney was told that upon arrival they found a 54 year old woman dead at the …
Can A Greensboro Traffic Ticket Attorney Help You With A Texting While Driving Ticket?
Can a Greensboro traffic ticket attorney help you with a texting while driving ticket? Yes! Today, technology develops substantially quicker than the legislation that governs it. This is especially true …
Can A Greensboro Criminal Defense Attorney Help You If You Owe Money in A Criminal Case?
Can a Greensboro criminal defense attorney help you if you owe money in a criminal case? Yes! When charged with any kind of criminal offense or traffic offense, one of …
How Can Greensboro Traffic Lawyers Help You To Be Cautious with Your 4th Of July Celebrations?
How can Greensboro traffic lawyers remind you to be cautious with your 4th of July celebrations? The 4th of July is one of the most celebrated holidays in the United …
Greensboro Criminal Attorneys Ask, Can Everyone to Have A Safe 4th Of July?
Greensboro criminal attorneys ask, can everyone to have a safe 4th of July? The 4th of July is a highly celebrated holiday around the country. With that being said, parties …
Greensboro Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Explain When A District Attorney May Be Taken Off A Case
Greensboro Attorney Can Greensboro criminal defense lawyers explain when a district attorney may be taken off a case? Yes! Although it may not happen often, there are specific instances when …
Can A Greensboro Traffic Attorney Help with Waivable Traffic Offenses?
Can a Greensboro traffic attorney attorney help with waivable offenses? Yes! When you receive a traffic ticket, what is the first thing you think about? Most people would say that …
Should Young Drivers Seek a Guilford County Lawyer for Traffic Violations?
Should young drivers seek a Guilford County traffic lawyer for traffic violations? Yes! There are many hurdles young drivers must go through in order to obtain their permanent driver’s license …
Can a Greensboro Criminal Lawyer Explain Violation Points for Licenses and Insurance?
Can Greensboro traffic ticket lawyers explain violation points for licenses and insurance? Yes! In North Carolina there are two types of points to be considered for motorists with moving violations: …
How Can A Greensboro Defense Attorney Help With A Driving While License Revoked Charge?
How can a Greensboro defense attorney help with a driving while license revoked charge? If a motorist has a driving while license revoked charged, one way that they could be …
Can Piedmont Triad Lawyers Can Help with Emergency Vehicle Traffic Violations?
Can Piedmont Triad lawyers help with emergency vehicle traffic violations? Yes! There are multiple ways that someone may receive a traffic violation when an emergency vehicle is involved. One of …