Greensboro Traffic Lawyer Explains Speeding Revocations (Part Two)

In Greensboro Traffic Lawyer Explains Speeding Revocations (Part Two) by GWAO

Greensboro Traffic Lawyer Explains Speeding Revocations (Part Two):

  • Conviction of speeding in excess of 75 mph where the maximum speed is less than 70 mph (N.C.G.S. § 20-16(a)(10));
  • Conviction of speeding in excess of 80 mph where the maximum speed is 70 mph (N.C.G.S. § 20-16(a)(10a));
  • Conviction for speeding more than 15 mph above the speed limit, in excess of 55 mph (N.C.G.S. § 20-16.1(a)(i)) (30-day suspension, privilege available for “ rst offense”); and
  • Conviction of speeding in excess of 80 mph (N.C.G.S. § 20-16.1(a)(ii)) (30-day suspension, privilege available for “first offense”).


Look for further information in tomorrow’s post, “Greensboro Traffic Lawyer Explains Speeding Revocations,” Part Three”